
Graphic design and logo – South of France

Graphic identity is the DNA of your business. It allows you to stand out from the competition and talk about YOU in the blink of an eye. So if owning a website is essential today, working on your company's visual identity is just as important.

Let’s take a closer look at the supports that will help you in your visibility!

How to create a graphic identity?

First step, define your target, who you want to address and of course the message you want to convey. These first points, which you have surely already studied, are essential to find the graphic identity that suits you.

You got it, a picture is worth a thousand words!

Our expertise allows us to create all types of communication media : whether it is on the Web or in print.

For example, we can create or redesign your logo on your website or various media. But not only. All your communication projects will find an answer to your needs and deserve our attention :

Whether for a sign, a roll-up (or Kakemono), a vehicle cover, packaging by way of a flyer, a leaflet, a greeting card, or a poster... We create aesthetic, modern and up-to-date graphics !


A unique graphic chart

In order to create effective communication media, we establish a graphic chart beforehand. This will allow us to establish a unique visual identity, more attractive and identifiable by your customers.

At a glance, they know that this is your identity and not that of your competitors. This expertise will help you communicate consistently and therefore be more impactful in your communication operations.

The definition of the graphic chart makes it possible to establish the color codes, the graphic principles of the terms of use and the typography to be used. All of these elements aim to communicate consistently and get the right message across.

Ready to make THE difference? Let's determine together your image of tomorrow...

Création de charte graphique

The logotype

Once your graphic chart is defined, or while designing it, comes the creation of your logo.
This logo will often be the first eye contact that your customers and prospects will have with your business.
It must therefore be unique, impactful and not leave them indifferent. Above all, he must look like you and carry a message that suits you.

Tell us about yourself, what drives you, your ideas... we rework them in order to offer you a creation in accordance with your expectations.
You have owned a logo for several years? Does it still follow current chart codes and trends ?
We can redesign it by offering you a reworked logo, in accordance with your image.

This logotype will be declined to enable you to adapt to all your communication media : quadri version, negative, 1 color, etc... Nothing is forgotten !

Quelques créations

Affichage urbain

Affichage urbain



Logo & packaging

Logo & packaging

Nouvelle identité

Nouvelle identité





Plaquette commerciale

Plaquette commerciale







Plaquette commerciale

Plaquette commerciale




Talk to you soon !